random questions you can answer for when you need a distraction/when you’re bored/others get to know you more!!

(qrt responses)


just a warning: i might repeat some questions, so apologises if i do <3
whats your name?
whats your age? (feel free to put adult/minor instead of your exact age)
whats your height?
what country do you live in?
what country would you prefer to live in?
what countries have you visited?
whens your birthday?
what is your dream job/what job are you working as right now?
do you go to school? what are you studying?
whats your eye colour?
whats your hair colour?
do you have curly, wavy or straight hair? (or any other types?)
are you in a relationship?
are you apart of the lgbtq community? if yes, whats your sexuality?
what are your pronouns?
what is your dream life like?
cw // food

whats your favourite food?
cw // drinks

whats your favourite drink?
whats your favourite city?
whos your favourite celebrity/celebrities?
whos your favourite singer?
whos your favourite youtuber? (if you dont watch youtube, whos your favourite social media influencer?)
whats your favourite tv show?
whats your favourite movie?
show your favourite meme here (no nsfw)
whats your favourite thing to do?
wheres/whats your favourite place?
whats your favourite animal?
whats your favourite thing about yourself?
whats your favourite book?
whats your favourite genre of book?
whats your favourite genre of films?
whats your favourite colour?
whats your favourite sport?
whats your favourite sports team?
whats your favourite swear word?
whats your favourite childhood memory?
whats your favourite memory? (not in childhood)
whats your favourite fast food place?
whats your favourite supermarket?
whats your favourite quote?
whats your favourite number?
whats your favourite letter of the alphabet?
whats your favourite movie character?
whats your favourite subject in school?
whats your least favourite letter of the alphabet?
whats your least favourite number?
cw // food

whats your least favourite food?
cw // drink

whats your least favourite drink?
whats your least favourite social media app, why?
whats your least favourite subject in school, why?
whats your least favourite movie?
whats your least favourite thing to do?
whats your least favourite colour?
whats your least favourite country? how can that country improve?
whats your least favourite animal?
whats your least favourite fast food place, why?
whats your least favourite weather, why? what weather do you prefer?
whats your least favourite sports?
whats your least favourite time of day?
if you were given a country, what would you name it? why?
do you like wearing hats?
whats your style in clothing? (vintage, streetwear, indie, etc)
if you could dye your hair, what colour would you dye it? if your hair is already dyed, why did you dye it that colour?
do you prefer long or short hair?
whats your ideal partner?
what stands out the most in a person to you?
irl or internet friends?
whats your most used word?
whats your most used phrase?
do you like poetry?
favourite author?
whats your opinions on issues in the world? how would you solve them?
do you believe in ghosts?
do you believe in aliens?
are you good at keeping secrets?
is the glass half full or half empty?
is water wet?
favourite game?
have you ever drived a car?
have you ever drived a boat?
have you ever been on a boat?
have you been camping?
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
whats are your fears?
has anything paranormal happened to you? if yes, share it
do you prefer beaches or mountains?
have you ever gotten lost in a maze?
have you ever written a love letter?
have you ever received a love letter?
have you ever swallowed something you shouldnt have? (like a coin for example)
do you think you’d survive the apocalypse?
say the funniest thing thats ever happened to you
orange or apple juice?
are you a twin? have you ever met twins?
share something completely random about you
have you ever had a diary?
sunsets or sunrises?
do you collect anything?
name the first letter of your crush if you have one
have you ever been on a roadtrip? if yes, where to?
have you been scuba diving?
do you have any allergies?
whats the best christmas present you’ve ever gotten?
are you religious?
are you ticklish?
have you ever been in a fight? if yes, why did it start? did you win?
whats one thing you’d change about the education system?
are you related/distantly related to anyone famous?
have you ever started a rumour? what was it about?
have you ever been to a concert? whos concert?
if you want children in the future, what would you name them?
if you’re getting married in the future, are you changing your surname or keeping it?
vanilla or chocolate?
what song best describes you?
what word best describes you?
do you like hugs?
honey or jam?
largest amount of money you’ve won?
what awards have you gotten?
any notices from celebs/youtubers/famous people?
would you rather a broken leg or broken arm?
do you pronounce Z as “Zee” or “Zed’
what has been the best decision you’ve made in life so far?
do you own a paddling pool, pool or neither?
tag 3 people you would want to be deserted on an island with
whats the most important furniture in a house?
whats the heaviest thing you can lift?
whats your favourite event from history?
whats the most important appliance in a house!
what phone model do you currently have?
do you play any instruments? if yes, what?
how long was your longest phone call?
have you ever committed a crime?
whats your favourite holiday? (christmas, halloween etc)
if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
where do you see yourself in a months time?
where do you see yourself in a years time?
where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
whats the best advice you’ve ever been given?
do you like your name? if not, what would you change it to?

i might add some questions in the future, but this is it for now! i hope you had fun, please wear a mask and take care of yourself <3
there is around 140 questions here so yeah :]
You can follow @graesoot.
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