COVID is a strand of SARS .

The virus doesn’t have SARS in it.
Hence why , when you examine your test results , it displays that you were tested for (SARS) .
Why is this ringing a bell ? 🤔
Oh yeah — End the (real) SARS ‘PLANDEMIC’ .
I say “the real plandemic”

Because , everyone wants to scream “END SARS”

But, the same thing that is taking place in Africa , is happening here in the United States .

In the Middle East . . .

Can’t you see it ?
Massacres + Crimes against humanity have BEEN taking place for centuries .

The civil unrest we see , are a result of everything finally coming a complete head .
Putting this into perspective ;
These genocides + crimes against humanity , have only taken place on a (wide-scale) , since the 1500s though . . .

Which is interesting , considering how THIS is when our Native lands were infiltrated by the European nation . . . 👀

The Moors pulled the European nation out of the dark ages in the 1300s .

We taught these people how to read + write + walk on their feet .

We shared our ‘Magik’ our alchemist practices , our astrology and wealth with them .

Healing them of the plague , and other diseases .
Only for what to take place ?

WE WERE MASSACRED and slaughtered to the death .

Our riches were stolen , and all incriminating evidence was then hidden and placed in the Vatican , where is continues to reside today .
Fast forward to 1492 from the 1300s

Christopher Columbus now coincidentally decides to come here to the US , and share ‘his’ riches , advanced knowledge + technologies with the Natives ?

Where did all of these things come from , if the nation were just in the dark ages ?

He came here with three other boats . (Filled to capacity with European men .)

They arrived with OUR stolen property . Our stolen riches + our stolen intellect ,

And decided to plant their feet in the United States as a fresh start .
They then established themselves , and continued to kill off and enslave the rest of our ancestors .

Therefore building the foundation of our society as we know it .
We have been left with the artifacts .

But it is up to you , to sit back and connect all of the dots .

Because— If our ancestors were so advanced in these times , how and why did they seem to just ‘disappear’ into thin air ?
Real history has been re-written and covered up , as a desperate attempt to hide the truth from future generations and the masses .
This all is coming to an end .
They have tried to exterminate us , and claim all of our lands , our talents + OUR creations as their own .

Implementing agendas , and putting into place a ‘new’ society and way of living , in the process .
This all is coming to an end .
They cannot rewrite history , continue to kill us , lock us up in our homes , and censor our media intake forever .
The world is not ending .

However— It is THE END , of the westernized society .

A society that was built on the backs and through the wombs of our ancestors .
The grand reset is happening now .
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