"food is so cheap and easy to feed people on very little"
If you'd just indulge me Twitter friends as I take a little tour via my life from when I first thought this (as a young man) to now (a 35 year old)
Hopefully my tour will explain why this statement is bs and feel free...
..to add to any threads where you hear this nonsense.
So some background.
My mum, stay at home, dad earnt well, able to cook every day and create amazing food and had the time and energy to impart said knowledge onto me.
My Mrs mum and dad, both teachers, well educated..
But both always working. Never any time, is possibly energy, to teach daughters how to cook.

When me and my Mrs met she was spending 100s a week in Tesco feeding two people. Her parents the same. Boxed meals, pre packed, no real veg, frozen stuff etc etc
Me, however, ...
Avid cook. Interested, talented, able to cook thanks to my mum.
We now spend a little over 40 quid a week on food. EVERYTHING is fresh and home made (I won't do boxed meals).
We're also able to bulk buy meat and freeze it. We can also drive to get to cheaper places. ...
Now. Imagine you didn't have my resources, my education, my background, my skills, my kitchen, my utensils, my appliances, my freezer space, my cash to bulk buy. Food becomes expensive (as proven by my Mrs family)
We can both afford our lifestyle choices. Theirs is wasteful..
But it's never gonna change and they can afford it.
It took me a while to realise how lucky I was to have a mum who could cook everything from scratch (I've never tasted a Thai green curry like hers) and had the time too.
She also had the resources. as do I.
Yes, food can be..
..cheap. but it requires education, money, time and energy. Things that some people just don't have.

Now, if you're still thinking "ah but they could learn to cook" well do this for me: write to your local schools and ask them how much budget they have put aside for DT...
(DT national curriculum now encompasses food) and how many hours a term they dedicate to it.
Years of budget cuts have meant schools have had to make hard choices. Sticking money into maths and English, not DT and science (where you.learn about healthy eating)
Also, ask those..
Schools how many children take a subject that includes food preparation for GCSE and how many children get access to school kitchens past year 9

There is your answer to #FreeSchoolMeals
If these people genuinely believed that it's about people looking after themselves etc...
Then they would put time, money and resources into schools to give them the chance to teach these things to children and to provide adult college courses for those who need it.

Spoiler : they won't.

They'll continue to be condescending towards those without the money for..m
Food or the chances to upskill and learn how to cook and prep meals.

@BootstrapCook is an inspiration, but she's also in a minority. It's so hard to ever break that mould and set of circumstances handed to you.
You can follow @martinpoler.
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