Hey so the co/ws timeline has been more on the negative side recently, which is fine ig, but I think it can be a little anxiety inducing to some people (including me) So, TIMELINE CLEANSE THREAD: I think that Simon and Baz will end up together and that Simon won't die in AWTWB.
This is a positive thread/post so if I see anyone saying anything negative in replies or qrts (even if you're joking) I will be dming you and asking you to take it down. /srs
Rainbow has said a hundred different times that she wouldn't go through the trouble of writing all of these books to give them a bad ending so saying Snowbaz is going to permanently break up is just plain not true.
She also said she can't imagine writing a world where Simon and Baz weren't in love so keep that in mind
I have said this before and I am saying it again: It makes 0 sense story-wise for Simon to die. Zero. He's been trying to heal from his trauma and him dying out of nowhere would be so pointless. And at this point in Baz's character, he would have no more motivation if Simon died.
Rainbow has just been trying to tell us that happy endings don't come from nowhere and that she's trying to make her characters realistic by having them have problems. She's not saying she won't give a happy ending at all.
Tho honestly if y'all wanna drag Rainbow I am so down with that
I'm just saying that being pessimistic about these books isn't going to any good, especially when there's evidence to point towards some good occurring in AWTWB.
I know we were all hit pretty hard by Wayward Son, but its the middle book. The characters were trying to figure things out so that they could carry on (lol I am soooo funny) from there. AWTWB will be better, I can feel it.
Okay thats enough of me rambling, end of thread.
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