I talk about Trump’s narcissism all the time. His dysfunction has never surprised me. Not once.

Still, sometimes it is just so glaring and so nakedly on display, it’s just.. wow.

Take the opening to this interview, his eventual storm out and handling after.

1/ https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1319301436732248064
Trump adamantly insists Stahl was “nasty” to him.

She was completely calm and emotionless. Never changed her tone. Was perfectly pleasant even when correcting false claims.

He truly experiences someone calmly not allowing him to lie as them being mean to him.

He truly experiences someone not allowing him to put forward the facade he wish were true as them attacking him.

And that’s because it truly hurts him.

And if someone hurt him, it must be because they are bad.

And he believes that so fully, he thinks all will see it too.

Trump absolutely believed with every fiber of his being that people would watch a woman calmly and professionally asking him questions and correcting his falsehoods and conclude he was attacked by a bad person.

Because he truly believes he was.

So, he posted the whole thing.

And now he’s leaning in with both shoulders expecting the world to say he’s right and a victim and Stahl is a very bad person.

And instead, he will now get doubly roasted for being a baby who tantrums about someone telling him “no.”

And that’s going to worsen the injury and make him rage more at the great unfairness of it all.

How it’s all rigged. How everything is rigged. How bad people make him look bad. Then more bad people make him look bad for saying that. And then people believe the bad things.

When, in reality, a narcissist was kept on topic, fact-checked and kept from presenting a fictitious picture of their competence and success.

And that, to a narcissist, is no different than being gravely wounded for real.

Anyway, Trump’s injury here is deep and his delusion is strong.

He is going to rant, rage and the. rage some more as the dumpster fire he has drawn maximum attention to now burns for at least five days instead of a couple.

When he mentions it at the debate, everybody drink!

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