I've seen people ask *on here* what Lyft & Uber drivers think of Prop 22 and want that to inform their vote.

Here's the problem with that question: the American workplace is a totalitarian regime. There is no free press and no free speech without a union. #NoOnProp22 [thread]
The drivers are a captive audience to be bombarded with misinformation from their employer who has access to all of their contact info all day long. So they often don't have access to information to make an informed choice. #NoOnProp22
In the before times, I took Lyft &talked to drivers . Generally what they liked about the current structure was scheduling flexibility. The companies are lying that scheduling flexibility requires all the other negative features of being independent contractors. #NoOnProp22
When I explained to drivers that being an independent contractor required giving up workers comp, OSHA, the right to organize, overtime, minimum wage, discrimination protections, social security, medicare, liability protections, and on and on... #NoOnProp22
...AND there are lots of examples of work arrangements that provide scheduling flexibility w/the rest of the labor protections. After hearing that, every single one I spoke with decided they would rather be an employee, have protections, & have the right to organize. #NoOnProp22
Vote #NoOnProp22 to support the poor drivers who haven't had a chance to have a 10-minute personal conversation with me. Organizing can be #quibi too. [end thread]
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