how i went from gaining weight at 900cals to maintaining at 1700cals [thread]
you know those tiktok nutritionists who tell you that the reason why you’re not losing weight is because you’re eating too little and we all thought that was bs,,, well no need to wonder because i’ve unintentionally tested that theory out
so after sticking strictly under 1k calories a day for weeks i got into a binge cycle and i’ve been in one since september eating up to 2-2.5k calories a day obviously i didn’t lose any weight but to combat that i started purging up to 4 times a day as well
purging is NOT good and that’s not what i’m recommending in this thread
anyways overtime i stopped trying to control myself or bother sticking under 1k calories because that seemed impossible i’ve fallen back into a binge cycle that i couldn’t get out of so i stopped trying to restrict my calories and continued to eat like normal
of course i still counted calories and weighed myself everyday to track what would happen to my body in order to not gain weight and allow for a smoother transition to the higher calorie intake
this was also partially due to school i wanted to be able to focus on my work rather than food which was another reason why i stopped restricting my calories
when i first started school, i started exercising 15-30 minutes a day walking on the threadmill (this might not seem like a lot but considering i barely left my bed for the past entire year it’s something)
i feel like exercising was what helped my body cope with the new increase in calories without gaining weight. i tried exercising everyday but tbh when the second week of october came around i broke my chain of motivation and i stopped going to the gym
surprisingly i didn’t gain weight despite no longer going to the gym and i still eat at around 1500calories a day which i never thought was possible
TL;DR, increasing your intake does increase your metabolism and if you don’t wanna gain weight initially start doing some light exercises
i’m not a nutritionist and all bodies are different but this was how i’m currently eating like a local but maintaining my weight and i thought it could be helpful for those who are looking to recover but are afraid of weight gain
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