The idea Biden was going to endorse court packing 12 days before an election that the Democrats believe they are heavily favored to win was always ridiculous. The next 12 days are not going to feature *anything* that could change the structure of the election if they can help it.
I mean, the whole game right now is Trump grasping around for things that might change the structure of the election---be it Hunter scandals or whatever---while Biden tries to run out the clock. He's not gifting Trump his support for a controversial, unpopular major policy.
The point being, you aren't going to get a good signal from Biden about his true beliefs on court packing, because his whole goal is to not endorse it and also not upset any Dem constituencies by not endorsing it. That's just utterly banal if you watched the last month.
Biden has always been a work-for-bipartisanship and work-within-the-system kind of guy. So I'm inclined to believe he's an institutional conservative about court packing and the filibuster and such. But you aren't getting a rule-out right now about how he'll act next spring.
And, yes, of course I'm willing to serve on a commission and lecture people about what reforms we should adopt for the courts. Sign me up, Joe.
TL;DR Here's my entire thread boiled down to one:
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