To everyone that has ever came in (or hasn’t yet) and told me that it took time to build up the courage to come in as they find the girls intimidating, just so you know when I first applied to work I was freaking terrified. I was terrified the girls would be like...cont
Victoria’s Secret level and I wouldn’t ever get any clients. I was afraid they would be mean as they are gorgeous and had like panic attacks upon first applying. Guess what they are incredibly nice. Also one of the best choice I feel I made in my life despite everything... cont
I love this job. I hit puberty late (like I hit it again at 19) I was an awkward teen and kid. I sound like I have an accent (that I was bullied for growing up). My point is everyone has their things and insecurities and the majority of the girls you could possibly meet...cont
Are awesome, not to mention gorgeous so yeah if it’s confidence or intimidation that’s preventing you from visiting someone you should go.
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