Few HTML tags you should use & which one to avoid!

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#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie
The basic semantic HTML tags such as <header>, <footer> and <nav> are almost self explanatory.

But, there are a host of newer HTML tags that you need to be using as well.

Eight HTML tags that you should be using.
1. <picture>

This tag is similar to <img>, the <picture> element provides flexibility by allowing multiple <source> elements for the same resource, which can adapt based on a media query or image type support.
2. <datalist>

It provides an autocomplete interface for <input> elements. Each list contains a set of <option> elements that have an associated value. When linked to an <input> using the “list” attribute, it can provide a drop-down list.
3. <dl>

This tag, element serves as a container for groups of defined terms.

Inside, each term (<dt>) and definition (<dd>) are grouped together to form a glossary-like structure. While it applies basic formatting by default, semantic HTML benefits screen readers.
4. <details>
Accordions are a common design pattern when lots of data need to be shown at once, such as question page. By using the <details> element alongside <summary>, we can achieve the same effect without JavaScript. Clicking the summary will toggle the rest of the content.
5. <dfn>

Complex terms or abbreviations often need defining for those that are not familiar.

A term wrapped in a <dfn> tag will be defined by the text that surrounds it. This is an inline element and is designed to be used to highlight definitions in human language.
6. <figure>

A figure is defined as a unit of content that often appears in the main flow of a document but can be also interpreted separately.

The <figure> element wraps an image or other reference content and can also include a description of its contents with <figcaption>.
7. <code>

it can be useful to visually separate computer code from the rest of the sentence.

By wrapping each occurrence in a <code> tag, the browser can apply some default formatting to display it more appropriately.

Combine with <pre> for larger code blocks.
8. <time>

We can write time values differently depending on the context or the language.

By marking these values with the <time> tag, search engines and other automated tooling can quickly extract this information.
Now 5 HTML tags to avoid:

1. <font>
2. <menuitem>
3. <big>
4. <center>
5. <marquee>
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