imagine knowing 1 in 3 children live in poverty and thinking ‘I’d like to teach them a lesson in dependency’ and not ‘I’d like them not to starve’ ?? #FreeSchoolMeals
Before replying to this tweet telling me I’m wrong please read these:
Also, to those of you telling me I don’t understand relative poverty - there is literally not one single best measure and relative poverty is widely used to take into account social context (look at reporting by UK Gov, OECD, EU)
Telling me that it is no where near 1 in 3 shows is not the clever retort you think it is lol is also show that you
1) massively underestimate the entrenched inequalities in this country
2) are unwilling to actually look at the research and statistics
I can't cope with Union Jack twitter tripping over themselves to tell me that I don't understand how relative poverty works and then coming out with explanations like this - this is wildly inaccurate lol
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