I said the other day on air that this whole thing reminds me of the John Edwards National Enquirer story. Remember when the other outlets wouldn't report on his affair, baby, Mellon money? NE did, the outlets who passed dismissed their scoop as trash gossip … /1
because the scoop didn't appear in a more "reputable" publication (as if they still had credibility, passing due to politics). But the story was true nonetheless, and no amount of insulting NE's rep changed the images of Edwards and Hunter at the Hilton ... /2
After spending weeks denying it and trying to suppress it, the overwhelming public interest and dogged reporting from some still dedicated to truth forced it mainstream and ended his political career ... /3
NYP was founded by Hamilton FFS, hardly similar to NE, but this was the modern moment that the storied and sanctified legacy media outlets proved that their political prioritization made them no better than the gossip outlets they looked down on ... /4
At least the gossip outlets were honest about what they are -- legacy media outlets still live on this fairy tale credit of respect for the citizen and devotion to pursuit of truth, which they don't demonstrate by coverage or behavior. ... 5
I'm writing about this for later today, but just as George Mason said that every man and woman in America is the militia, so too is every man and woman in America part of that "free press," especially ... 6
... when it seems the proverbial watchdog for the people would rather maul you for dissent than inform you against the forces of tyranny. /rant
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