thread of my satire about equal rights for lgbt by having the straights suffer:

⚠️just a little warning about conversion therapy, being lynched, and other not cool things that happened to lgbt people in the past. if any of that triggers you, don't read this please
Also, this is all freaking SATIRE, like the stuff they do on snl. I do not think that it would be right for anyone to go through what some of us have to, so please take everything with a grain of salt.

Also, don't come at me straights, this is all satire
also, this was a long paragraph. Sorry if this thread is a mile long
Oh and of course, by suffering with us, I don’t mean “everyone hates you now too”. Nah. I say we start by having another mistranslated verse of the bible, but this time say girl and man (or boy and woman) and say it is bad for those two to have sexual relations and that they...
will go to hell. But wait, there’s more. Let’s also have a lot of people go by that one verse and treat you accordingly. Oh, what does this entail? Glad you asked. How about being thrown in jail for liking someone of the opposite gender. Being stoned, lynched, hanged, etc.,
for wanting to hold hands. But it’s ok, at least you’ll get your own bars where y’all can be comfortable with who you are. But wait, you remember what happened to the Stonewall Inn? Oh, that will happen to you too. Hope you like the smell of tear gas, because that would happen...
when you’re just peacefully protesting for you to get married or to at least not get killed for loving someone. What? Gay marriage has been legal in the US since 2015? Oh, don’t worry. You’ll still be discriminated against and constantly fight a system to be who you are...
For example, Texas passed a law where social workers can reject service for members of the LGBT community and disabled people (sure, that isn’t what I’m talking about, but it unfortunately is part of the law too). Did i also mention that people still hate you for holding hands...
in the park because you’re “forcing their child to be straight”? We all know that if you hold hands or kiss in public, it’s too much and “just because it’s legal to marry, doesn’t mean you have to flaunt it around in public”, while you get to watch everyone else do the same...
thing and much more. Have one character in a show you can relate with? Good. One is too many, and the series will revolve around the person being straight. Who cares if you think that it shouldn’t be made a huge deal and should be normalized, it’s weird and it makes the...
character quirky. Don’t worry, we can solve your acts of straight with just a simple line of conversion therapy! Don’t be scared, it doesn’t work and just leaves you to be more depressed, suicidal, and a higher chance of abusing drugs...
You happen to have friends that are straight, and you just happened to be straight? Oh, they’re just “peer pressuring” you to be that way. Who cares if it’s usual for marginalized people to group up, they’re being a bad influence. It’s ok, don’t fret about not seeing...
your friends. You can always see them at pride, which is right past the mob of conservatives who are protesting and insisting that you’ll “go to hell”. But hey, at least you get to see you’re not alone in your daily struggle? Nah...
Everyone who’s not straight and hasn't had to deal with the same hell that you have to endure everyday, is going to try to take pride away from you. And buddy boy, you think that’s bad? We barely scratched the surface of what you now have to deal with...
Hope you enjoy having your life be a living hell!
again, this is all satire. The only thing this is really supposed to do is question/challenge a part of society, which i happened to do how members of the lgbt community don't exactly have equal rights and treatment in comparison to people who aren't in the community.
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