How wrong is this? Doesn't have a clue about power, history or propaganda. All the imperialist power grabs have been predicated on massive lies. Saddam's WMDs was a monumental lie from those in power, who managed to get mass public consent for all the slaughter which ensued.
This guy is a prime example of the lazy groupthink thoughtlessness & pig-ignorant centrist nastiness in today's Britain. Armchair football commentators thinking they can get away with spiteful armchair social/political commentary.
One of the most preposterous things about this tweet is this person's complete failure to see that he himself is the perfect example of someone who is complicit in the lies.

And he has the brass neck to say "Do you have ANY IDEA?"
It's HIS OWN complicit mindset which leads to more authoritarianism, more exploitation, more destruction of democracy & human rights, more plutocratic theft, more oligarchy, more imperialist wars, etc.
If anyone needs to look in the mirror it's someone with a lifestyle based on macho posturing mixed with armchair political dabblings in today's popular status quo narratives from centrist drips & Labour Right types.
It's also interesting that he panders to all these self-righteous centrist bedwetters, yet when it comes to @ianbrown — someone standing up to a power grab which will oppress people like never before — he feels it's acceptable to use the term "mong".
Just goes to show that status quo centrists have a mindset based on hypocrisy & phoniness. It's all about keeping up appearances. When it comes down to it, they DON'T care about people. Their moral compasses are non-existent.
Does he not consider what has happened in the last 5 years? The plot to de-left Labour & to completely expunge grassroots Leftwing values from political discourse? The plot to manufacture a crisis based on a massive lie (systemic Anti-Semitism)?

Who was COMPLICIT in that?
Which powerful & influential forces were behind those lies? Did they have the entire might of the colossal machine of the media behind them? Pushing hideous lies day in day out?

Did they succeed in getting a huge proportion of the population behind the lies?
How many MILLIONS from the VERY TOP (state power & unelected, unaccountable private power, official watchdog bodies) to the VERY BOTTOM (unthinking, gullible, propagandised members of the public like this guy) were COMPLICIT in this, eh?

And he says "It's impossible"?
Who was complicit in the lies behind the Iraq invasion, the fake "war on terror" following 9/11 which deliberately created more terrorism across the world to justify escalating imperialist war crimes & justify citizen surveillance and clampdowns in the name of "security"?
Again, the complicity went from the very top to the very bottom. And this guy thinks collusion for evil among the world's most powerful global actors & getting the public behind it (i.e. complicit) is "impossible"?

How does he think Hitler & other fascism came into power?
Does he not know that he is living in a plutocracy masquerading as a democracy? And that what little democracy we have is still "way too much" for those in power? And that something must be done about this problem, once and for all?
Does he realise the leader of the Labour Right (who played a major role in de-lefting the left & getting them to be complicit in the biggest scandal in party political history) is a member of a group of global super elites whose role is to deal with "the problem of democracy"?
If there's one thing I can't stand it's seeing prats like this spout their cluelessness like they are big hardcases, using sweary language (as if that makes them sound righteous) & doing the tough guy routine when they are actually shithouse cowards.
Imagine being such an arse-kisser of power that you ridicule the people who are standing up for your kid's future!!!???
Imagine being on the side of the world's dominant forces - the very ones who are going to shaft you & your future to a whole new level!!!???

You'd have to be the biggest clueless mug on the planet.
People like him will obviously have no sense of how they have always been shafted by power.
Yet just when it's being taken to a whole new level (which is so obvious) instead of snapping out of their slumber with a sense of urgency, they get EVEN MORE submissive & compliant, joining in with those who want a more "comfortable and stimulating prison".
Who is behind the "pandemic pretext"? Who's getting politicians, the media & the public to push it using 24/7 fear-mongering?

— The world's ruling elites.

Who benefits?

— The world's ruling elites.

Who are the world's ruling elites?
They include the influential actors who are in the upper echelons of state power who are in favour of global governance (everyone from Emmanuel Macron, Tony Blair to Henry Kissinger & Prince Charles).
They also include the people connected to concentrations of private wealth & power — the world's banking & financial institutions, digital tech corporations, pharmaceutical giants, etc.
They are the elite groups, bodies, institutions, think tanks, NGOs, UN, WHO, WEF, IMF — who are in bed with private wealth & power, who have been embroiled in corruption & corporate interference.
You can see first hand how shifty & clandestine the WHO is (senior directors even admit the grip of private power, the corruption will make anyone's blood run cold) — watch the 2017 critically acclaimed documentary film "Trust WHO".
Remember that while the economy has been destroyed & countless businesses & livelihoods have perished — the corporatate giants have posted record profits.

10.2 Trillion dollar profits for Gates, Bezos & the other giants since Covid.
Imagine being this hateful & nasty to those standing against unelected, unaccountable private power/corporate giants with governments & global institutions in their pocket.

Mass debt slavery to colossal online shopping giants like Amazon is just around the corner.
This guy is a spineless down-puncher who sneers & ridicules people standing against economic devastation, lives destroyed, lockdown deaths, suffering, impoverishment, social depression while the corporate giants are profiting like never before.
In whose interests does power act?

In the people's interests? Has power ever acted in the interests of populations? Ever?

So this guy can't imagine them acting in their own interests or wanting to shape society in their own interests?

How thick can a person be?
The stupidity is astounding. This idiot is not a multi-billionaire CEO bigwig jetsetter is he?

What does he stand to benefit from bending over to power like a submissive mug with no backbone?
There's nothing worse than seeing these centrist tosspots acting all self-righteous, like they have the monopoly on caring. They're the support mechanism for fascism cos they are blowhards full of bedwetter indignation, who haven't got the guts or grit to stand up to anything.
They wilfully ignore Agendas 21, 30 & the WEF's Global Reset which most countries have signed up to & which is enthused by everyone from corporate elites like Gates to Johnson, Blair, Macron to Prince Charles & "cultural leaders" like Bono, to the heads of the IMF & MasterCard.
The hi-tech Newnormalism is openly boasted about in WEF publications, promos, their website has an intricate chart with COVID-19 at the centre & every aspect of human existence connected to it. A book has been published by WEF founder/chief Klaus Schwab.
For dictatorships to work, this spiteful cowardice & centrist status quo mindset is required.

They wouldn't be able to take root without these compliant and complicit members of the public. There are millions of people like @Bizzel_83. They're everywhere. It's endemic.
For dictatorships to work, laws are not enough, as there are never enough police officers to enforce laws that a majority of the working population doesn’t believe in. Historically, totalitarian regimes have relied on the grudges of individuals, on the stoked prejudices of...
...communities, & on the sense of duty of members of society to an abstract notion of a nation/people/religion to police the population.

Above all, they have relied on fear.
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