i don’t know who needs to hear this but i’m so tired of ot5s always defending and covering sh1t up for L*uis. He literally has done so many problematic, racist things and when we mention them they always have to pull up an excuse. He said the N word once but ot5s are saying he’s-
- talking to someone named “Nick”? if you really know who tf Nick was then what’s his last name? since you all wanna act like detectives and know who’s in the car lmao. stop lying to yourself because there was no one named Nick in that car. Second excuse was brought was that he-
- was high?? what kind of an excuse is that ? If he said it when he’s high then that basically means he’s used to saying it behind cameras which is worse. When will ot5s stop defending him when they literally still treat Zayn like dirt for leaving the band??? even though-
- he said multiple times it’s for the sake of his mental health? but you all still make jokes and hate him for leaving. The Louis & Zayn fight was not Zayn’s fault? Zayn literally just took a pic with Naughty boy using a filter and Louis just talked shit about him out of nowhere
- don’t you dare tell me it’s because they’re friends and it’s a joke because it’s clearly not. Louis knew what he was doing, he picked a fight because of a picture?? in PUBLIC on TWITTER knowing the fans would go crazy about it and knowing how much they’re still mad at zayn-
- there were all literally attacking Zayn but Louis is the one who started the fight for that stupid reason? if you wanna ask for proof here’s proof of ot5s hating on Zayn only and not louis. even though he was minding his own business he still got attacked for nothing.
-but ot5s are still defending and blaming all of that on Zayn. idc if you hate Zayn, he literally left the band because it wasn’t helping his mental health at all. He reached out for them but they didn’t contact him back or anything it’s not his fault..
defending Louis and covering sh1t up for him is not it.. just because you stan him doesn’t mean you have the right to defend him, it’s obvious how biased you are, he’s done so much problematic stuff but you’re still gonna throw random excuses he’s not a baby he’s a grown man who-
should be called out because if you’re gonna still baby him and defend his actions then he won’t stop. you’re quick to hate on people who mind their own business but share love to a white man who caused many problematic sh1t? i’m not saying people don’t change but he should be
held accountable for his actions and his fans should stop throwing excuses for him because thats messed up..
the way some louies in the qrts are acting smart and attacking me is literally proving my point you’re ignoring the thread and being quick to tell me to shut up and stop talking about him.. that’s the whole point of the thread.
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