the worst and most fucking annoying mistake that film reviewers make is assuming that art can exist in a political vacuum, as if the circumstances of a work's release, timing, political climate, and creator's intent are things that ought to be ignored in pursuit of objectivity
it is a very particular brand of bitter hilarity to read a bunch of film reviews by snobby old white guys who think that it's intellect guiding them to treat a film as though it exists above the society it was released into. and yes it's relevant that they're white guys
only those who are most untouched by politics, by virtue of it being in their favour, are able to ignore it, which makes them incredibly ignorant and goddamn fucking boring
there is no objectivity in art. are you fucking kidding? it's an emotional medium. it's inherently a political statement regardless of intent. timing is a part of art. anyone who ignores it is too stupid to understand his own craft and too arrogant to understand his own stupidity
this thread specifically isn't about it but if you want to understand what im talking about then read any defence of the joker. and preemptively don't bother linking me to anything i have read everything on the internet about that film and will happily defeat you in single combat
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