I'm going to be more explicit because I dislike hinting. I think @ConceptualJames is completely wrong in encouraging people to vote for Trump. I also think that he is sincere in his views (therefore not a grifter) & I can vouch for him being kind & supportive off Twitter. 1/
And I have found him very easy to work with professionally (I'm a copyeditor). I have real life friends who strongly disagree with my political views & who might even be horrified to see my timeline. I would be HEARTBROKEN if they were to desert me as a friend as a result. 2/
I also have real life friends whose political views I find ... an eye-opener. I just scroll on past or stay quiet if I think an argument could drive us apart. Though if we're close enough, I'm using the methods recommended by the amazing @buster in "Why Are We Yelling." 3/
We should all fearlessly & frankly express what we believe to be true. And we shouldn't destroy or friendships and professional relationships over differences of opinion if we can. (Use your own judgement as to what you want to tolerate). 4/
Why do I think you shouldn't vote for Trump, fellow liberals worried about the woke takeover? Scroll down. I shared articles, public letters & tweet threads by @HPluckrose, @CathyYoung63 & @Yascha_Mounk that perfectly express my views. I'm not going to repeat them here. 5/
Had I a vote in the US elections, I would choose Biden over Trump (my first choice was Bernie). In the UK elections, I'm planning to vote Labour, although I largely agree with the Tories' stance on Critical Race Theory (welfare state & Brexit are more important issues to me). 5/
Finally, I am a staunch opponent of guilt by association & won't be held responsible for anyone's views but my own. 6/
Hoooo boy, my follower count just plummeted. 8/
Also I clearly can't count lol. Apologies for the misnumbering.
You can follow @IonaItalia.
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