"Free women from the thought of dressing sexy will cause sexual assaults”
A Thread
Today in the Philippines, sexual assault is one of its major problems. It is being experienced by all kinds of gender but women are the most common victims. A lot of people argue that due to the sexy dressing style of women, they will be more likely to experience sexual assaults.
It is a proven fact in some studies that the sexy dressing style of women could affect or increase one’s sexual desire. But I believe it is not the problem of women anymore.
People must learn to respect everyone by controlling themselves if it causes their sexual desires to increase.
People are saying that women should not dress sexy if they do not want to experience sexual assaults. However, a lot of women are proving that no matter what a woman wears.
If there’s a pervert who does not know how to control his/her desire for sexual activity, sexual assaults would still happen even if they dress decently.
Some posts of women who experience sexual assaults while wearing descent clothes:
Every people in the Philippines have the freedom to do everything they want as long as it is legal. No law prohibits women to dress sexy if that's what they want.
Education teaches us to respect all people no matter what wherein if they failed to do it, they are either lacking in education or failing themselves to value their hard works in obtaining an education.
The cause of sexual assaults is not because of the way on how women dress instead, it is due to the people who are unable to follow a simple proper behavior.
Women do not need to adjust their style of clothing since there is nothing wrong with it, but the government must do some actions to stop the people who cause women to experience sexual assaults.
End of thread.
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