So, someone is wanting to start a dev book club at work, and unsurprisingly a few things from our least favorite uncle is making it on the suggested list.

What's a solid recommendation as an alternative to Clean Architecture?
Honestly - comp sci books just never click with me, and most "must read books" I haven't read - so can't think of one off hand right now.

Note: If books don't click with you for programming reading - thats fine!

Learn however works best for you.
Doing some searching, some initial ideas (haven't read most of these, although I do end up on @martinfowler website often)

- Domain Driven Design - Eric Evans
- Code Complete (is this any good?)
- Books / Articles by @martinfowler
- The Pragmatic Programmer
- Architecture Patterns with Python: Enabling Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, and Event-Driven Microservice
- Mastering Kubernetes: Level up your container orchestration skills (not seeing many reviews of this one)
- Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith
- Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Model
- Domain-Specific Languages - any suggestions for a similar book but with Python examples?
- Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages
- Computer Science Project Work: Principles and Pragmatics

Quick searching around while waiting for the meds to kick in, if anyone has read the above and can yay/nay - 🔥
Recommendations / alternatives also highly welcomed.
when you bring your twitter energy into work.

Said in the slack-thread:

"I want to uninvite uncle bob from the book club"

a ELI5 to why - and then pretty much this thread.
You can follow @e_p82.
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