This is an important topic for me to share.

The French government rn is basically "our covid response is abysmal so instead HEY MUSLIMS ARE EVIL" and launched large scale harassment and police intimidation towards Muslim charities and people #SoutienCCIF #soutienBarakaCity
It's going to levels I've never seen before

- The President publicly supporting controversial racist individuals (who were condemned for it!)
- Ministers talking about "sending a message by sending the police to flip your place upside down with a warrant" cause you're Muslim
It's even becoming comedic

Here is the French Interior Minister saying on TV that he believes world foods aisles in supermarkets are where the danger starts. Like you're gonna buy sushi and come home to order a katana and follow the way of the samurai
(oh also there are serious rape allegations against him but well I guess when you have the right connections it's ok to talk about how the halal food aisle in your local supermarket is the first step towards world war 3)
So yeah this is where France is right now. The media is controlling the narrative, letting their toxic takes go unchallenged to the point that even a charity helping the poor around the world is being described as a danger.

#SoutienBarakaCity #SoutienCCIF
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