tw// school, stress, mentions of a breakdown
the way it's almost impossible for me to do a few modules without breaking down from stress because it hasnt even been that long since ive felt miserable from the amount of stress i got a few weeks ago when schoolworks were
LITERALLY piling up over eachother. i havent felt relaxed in so damn long its actually exhausting. my sleep and physical health is pretty okay now but damn the mentality i have now is so tiring, i feel like theres always something to do, and i cry over even the tiniest amount
of schoolwork because all i can think about is "they're gonna give me more" and it makes me feel so tired and it feels like im failing everyone around me. i thought that 1st quarter ending would make things lighter for me but i have been slightly behind with some practicals
and thinking about it literally makes me panic. its not even the normal type of student stress anymore and it affects me so suddenly, i could be so happy and the next day would be literal shit and it messes me up so bad. i legit just want everything to pause for atleast 5 minutes
because ive been conditioned to feel like so much is happening when there is literally NOTHING HAPPENING.
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