I would also like to quietly remind people of all the teachers and support staff who have provided bread and cereal and milk and fruit in school, during term time, for pupils they know dont get enough to eat at home.
We aren't supposed to do it really, it's all supposed to be budgeted etc, but then I have often bough glue sticks and resources, my own books, and ingredients for sensory play and so on. It shouldn't be this way, but it has been.
We shouldn't have to rely on charity to feed our country's children, but we do. We should at least try and remain compassionate and non-judgmental to those families who need the charity and support. Poverty is not a character flaw.
It takes very little in the way of disaster, illhealth or terrible relationship to tip a family that's managing into desperate times. It could be any of us struggling, no matter how hard we are trying to manage.
Poverty is like a sink-hole. Really hard to get out of. And it's rarely that someone isn't trying, or doesn't want to - it's like being sucked into quicksand by your ankles. Exhausting and depressing. It most definitely is not about merit or worth.
If we cannot, as a developed nation, look at those nearest us and feel compassion and empathy for them, and choose to feed and care for those that cannot do it for themselves, then how can we consider ourselves civilised?
Every child matters. Every child is our child. There is no such thing as somebody else's child. Every one of us has been a child. Not all of us can reach out and donate hundreds or thousands, or tens of pounds, but we can all care.
I'm lucky and my children are lucky, and I have been given help by incredibly kind and generous people, some of whom I have never met. I would have lost everything in the last few years, if I hadn't had charity. I didn't want to have to ask for it, and I was doing my best.
I was not in desperate measures because I was lazy or useless. And even if that were the case, it would not have been my children's fault, yet they were suffering anyway. My situation is not even the point, frankly, but I am so tired of the callous arguments on social media.
Nobody deserves to be hungry or feel unsafe or frightened. Being fed, being safe are basic things that all people deserve, not on merit, but because that is the basic bottom line.

Just feed the hungry children and don't argue about it? We can debate the reasoning afterwards.
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