Hard to refrain from maining this team despite 3 catalysts not being ideal at all. But look at em. And the team name
I probably would if I didn't have Aquila Favonia on geo Traveler and only have 2 good catalysts (refinement 3 Widsith on Barb and Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds on Sucrose). But pure girl, nerdy girl, mischievous girl, DADDY DILUC THO
I haven't gone particularly insane on this. 5 of these are free characters... but I ended up with a full constellation on Barb, a star on Diluc and Klee, all but 1 star on Sucrose, and 2 legendary weapons... I'm okay with all my luck being focused into those categories tbh.
Like if I had actively wanted to make this team statistically it should probably take at least a few hundred dollars.... but nah lmaooooo
Looking at the remaining 25 released and anticipated characters, if I can get Diona and/or Ganyu sometime in the future then I'll be fully content for exploring a few more continents tbh haha. Can't think of anyone else I'd want to take one of their place.
Lmaooooo thought "might as well do one 10x pull from the weapon event before saving the rest up for Diona or Ganyu" and here we are. Somehow ended up with 3 of the 4 event weapons so far having only done a total of 60 pulls from weapon events.
I feel like my progress in this game has been delayed because I just keep grinding whatever new thing I get lol. Like I'm kinda in a bind on resources because I... have gotten too much good stuff and not enough expendable stuff?
Idk what even is going on anymore. After the double roll of Klee I haven't hit character banner at all and I thought fuck I only need one more Sucrose so started doing single rolls... 3 rolls. After a double Klee 10roll. And she's a sword user.. the 3rd legendary weapon I have.
Someone tryna buy my account lol? At this point it's statistically like a grand worth of pulls.
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