Being hungry affects kids' ability to learn. It impacts not just them, but their classmates. It'll make kids less able to sit still, to follow instructions.

You know how hard it is to concentrate when you're ravenous, right? It's much worse when you're young.
Hunger also directly affects how kids' brains develop. Both physically and cognitively. This includes reading, language, attention, memory and problem-solving capabilities.
Vitamin A deficiency can cause severe eyesight issues and even blindness.

When children experience prolonged poverty and hunger, damaging chemicals are released in the brain.
70% of the brain develops by age 2. If a child experiences significant malnourishment, hunger and stress during that time, it’s likely their brain will be permanently damaged. If mum is iodine deficient, it can cause irreversible brain damage to her baby.
Nutrition matters.
Allowing kids to go hungry is the most revolting abuse of power by this government. They are creating a generation of kids who will experience an additional barrier to thriving.

They are failing at the very basest level to execute their role in government.
No child should go hungry in this country, in this century.

In addition to psychological effects, malnourishment and hunger has multiple other impacts.
Low food security and hunger can contribute to toxic stress – the strong, unrelieved activation of the body’s stress
management system.
Food insecurity is frequently stigmatised through media messages and public discourse. Families often work to
keep their food insecurity hidden, and children can feel pressured not to use free food programmes
and other support.
Studies show that food insufficiency is associated with higher prevalence of poor health conditions, including
stomach aches, headaches, and colds. Severe hunger can predict chronic illness among both pre-school and school-age children
Malnutrition in the first years of life is especially harmful, impacting physical growth, decreasing resistance to
disease, limiting the size and functioning of children’s brain structures, and stunting intellectual capacity.
Severe hunger is associated with anxiety and depression among children.
Research also shows that families’ lack of
sufficient food, irrespective of their income, is associated with depressive disorders and suicidality in adolescents.
Hunger can cause children to act out in the classroom or against their peers, which can lead to being disciplined or suspended. These absences from school can cause further problems.
The physiological impact of undernutrition also persists into adulthood. It can cause an increased susceptibility to fat accumulation mostly around the stomach, lower levels of fat oxidation, lower resting and post-food energy expenditure...
...increased likelihood of insulin resistance in adulthood, higher risk of hypertension and a reduced capacity for manual work.
Being hungry as a child can make you more likely to gain weight as an adult, and leave your body less able to use food energy efficiently.
This government is exposing a whole generation of children - CHILDREN FFS - to serious harm from which many will struggle to emerge.

Well that was nice. The rage brought about by writing this thread gave me my first panic attack in over a year.
HR up to 165 (which given I'm on beta blockers, is pretty fucking high for me) and still at 76 even though I'm sitting down. Ugh.
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