We ask Americans to please urge @realDonaldTrump and @JoeBiden to put aside their differences and call on General Raul Castro to free all political prisoners, stop repression, and withdraw his military from Venezuela. 1/6
This appeal calls for the release of all Cuban political prisoners, restoration of religious freedom, an end to violence & political repression. 2/6
It also calls on foreign countries and businesses not to be complicit in exploiting Cuban workers by adopting The Arcos Principles drafted by dissidents in 1994 to avoid foreign complicity in the exploitation of Cuban workers. 3/6
The appeal highlights the plight of Silverio Portal Contreras, a black Cuban prisoner of conscience, who was arrested for shouting ‘Down with Fidel Castro, down with Raúl’ and for campaigning against collapsing dilapidated buildings in Havana, because we fear for his life. 4/6
Silverio suffered two strokes, lost vision in one eye after a brutal beating during his unjust imprisonment, and is now losing vision in his remaining good eye, and is suffering from diabetes. 5/6
There are 139 Cuban political prisoners & 11,000 Cubans, not affiliated with opposition groups, jailed for what the Cuban criminal code calls “pre-crime.” 6/6
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