A detailed method on how to integrate your shadow.

Requested by followers.

Every time you act out in a regrettable manner, its a result of your shadow manifesting itself involuntarily.

Your central-self that most commonly embodies the YOU that people know you as, fails to control it.

The regret followed by the urge, is a sign of the shadow in control.
Reflect over the course of your past & identify the moments you acted out that led to regret.

Find patterns in the behaviours that acted out involuntarily to identify each one.

Pick one of the shadows you are prone to FREQUENTLY:

a repetitive behaviour you regret often.
The frequency of regret from a particular behaviour, measures how much your central-self is consumed by this shadow.
This metric also determines the level of harm your shadow inflicts upon your surrounding.

The more repetitive the regrettable behaviour, the stronger the shadow.
Clearly identify this behaviour, categorise it under the 7 sins, give it a name, an identity & understand its personality.

Write down in a diary, in past experience about this behaviour as if its someone else,

explicitly detailing WHY it acted out, & HOW it acted out.
The "WHY & WHAT" gives the shadow identity.

You must give it an identity in order to enslave it.

Write a true story about it based on its past experiences.

This is a necessary process of familiarity with your shadow.
"WHY" the demon acts out is the TRIGGER that brings it to existence.

This could be someone or something you envy, hate or love.

Write down a list of "HOW" it acts out -

detailing the behaviour it displays to get what it wants.
Conceptualise the TRIGGER as the portal of hell. Because it is literally when the demon comes to existence.

Now understand that,

1. Voluntary exposure to hell - makes you a predator.

2. Involuntary encounter to hell - makes you a prey.

Leaving the marshmallow on the table - is voluntary exposure to hell.

Removing it off the table, will lead to involuntary encounter at a later point in time.

The former makes you a predator in control of your urge (shadow).

The latter makes you a prey consumed by it.
You must VOLUNTARILY expose yourself to the triggers that bring about your regrettable behaviours.

This is the process of systemic desensitisation.

Then, when you battle with the shadow and begin to influence HOW it acts out,

you begin the process of shadow integration.
Every round of voluntary exposure to your shadow, should ideally lead to better control of it.

If you waited 5 minutes before consuming the marshmallow in the first round, you should wait longer the next round.

Eventually you wont feel the need to act on it.

Shadow integrated.
The marshmallow test was a social science experiment by a Stanford psychologist who linked willpower to future success.

But its concept can be extended in shadow integration as it fundamentally tests the urge of an individual &

the ability of the central-self to suppress it.
Shadow integration is a two step process.

1. Open the portal of hell by exposing yourself to the trigger and confronting the emergence of your shadow.

2. Battle against it by slowly taking away its capacity to impose its will upon why its been summoned & what it wants.
You will know that your shadow has integrated when you open the portal of hell, expose yourself to the trigger,

only to realise that the devil has ceased to exist. There's no urge, no desire to fight off.

It's just you, with the devil inside,

under resolute voluntary control.
Shadow integration is the process of individuation -

where one consciously & gradually integrates the
unconscious aspects of themselves that they refused to confront and are enslaved by it -

into their central personality to achieve individuation & completion.
You can only use devilish means for angelic outcomes,

when you're absolutely certain that the demon you are unleashing, will not turn on you.

That you have familiarised yourself to it,

that you have given it an identity,

& taken away its power,

to use at your own will.
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