Why did YG rarely book Jennie?

Some exec has a personal vendetta against her, but it can also be seen from her brand value vs Blackpink.
Before I start, YG had their ego bruised so bad by Bigbang so they felt the need to have better leverage in terms of contract negotiation.

Bigbang built YG, not the other way around. What they're trying to achieve Blackpink won't be here if not bcs of YG.
1. How do YG keeping them in control?

We all know Blackpink brand right and their discography are with YG. If the pinks had no personal brand value or they didn't have their future career foundation laid out, they'd easily comply to wtv YG asked in their contract negotiation
2. Same tactic being used by JYP on Twice but back on Blackpink. Blackpink members rarely had projects (not endorsement or advert) outside the grp, even if they do it'll be a season then it's over. Barely any time to take a foot hold in the industry. What you need in the
3. industry is consistency. Look at Taeyeon she consistenly releasing solo albums so soloist Taeyeon took hold not only SNSD Taeyeon, look at Sooyoung and Seohyun took up drama frm supporting roles to main ones. Look at Hyori being on variety shows for years
4. In all the years they've been active with Blackpink they'd only do short tenure, enough to get BLACKPINK name soaring but not enough to make separate identity.
5. YG had been trying to match their popularity, if no one stood out then Blackpink's the most popular out of them.

BLACKPINK brand >>>> Jenchulichaeng personal brand
6. They're trying to create the narrative that they won't succeed bc people only saw them as BP members. If YG didn't give them rights to use their works in BP, no future foundation ready for post-idol career they'd gladly agree to stay with YG
7. Focusing on Jennie mistreatment now, Jennie as we know had alr a famous trainee pre-debut, if YG want to keep Blackpink as a brand higher than Jennie personal brand, they need to leave her away frm spotlight and let other member's to catch up with her popularity.
8. That's why you see 2016-17 Jennie had no personal schedule. Only fashion stint here and there. She was only trending in Naver Beauty section.

Jennie only had Chanel and it was only a muse. Seems safe.
9. Fashion seems to be tough environment for her to grow, or so they thought. High Fashion people absolutely adores her and Chanel saw her potential. They locked her up so quick 😔

Seeing as other members popularity has rose, YG then booked her for variety
10. However, Jennie as always worked her magic and made people fell in love with her after 1 booking, it turns to two then became a cast and she was on the right path of establishing her personal brand.

In 2018, Blackpink keyword is her name. Meaning she bumped up BP's brand
11. Instead of happy, YG is panicking. How to make Jennie lose confidence?

Launch SOLO. I swear they sent her out ready for her to fall. She was shouldering the fate of others solo. Had she failed, we won't be hearing others' solo.
12. Again, defying expectation, Solo skyrocketing and made YG panicking further. They weren't ready with to manage the girls solo promotion. Hence, the hiatus.

They want to kill the hype Solo created, only to fall short.
13. SOLO lives on.

2019, YG image crashing down, their business losses can't be ignored further, their shareholder not happy but Jennie still had positive reaction from GP.

In short, YG saw her potential and got scared because Jennie almost establishing her personal brand
14. Jennie's advertisement with Amore Pacific helped this too, CK, KT, Air Baked. They knew her name worth, using her name to get their product sell at the same time chanting JENNIE JENNIE JENNIE all over South Korea.
15. Now they back to their first strategy, blocking her and leaving her out of spotlight.

But, how can you stop Jennie's personal brand taking ahold when she live in our mind rent free 24/7

They bound to be fail
16. The only problem here is Jennie's attachment to Blackpink.

Jennie, IDC if you're called Jenchulichaeng, ColorColor, I'd support you. Get out of that toxic company!
17. You four made Blackpink, from the ground, not them. So what if you grew up under the watch of Teddy, Gamja Ssaem?

Beautiful rainbow didn't stop time to turns. As beautiful your memory with them, it's time to move on.
I am aware that they might not get into the highest height without Teddy's music and YG resources, but I'd take freedom out of YG's influence over chart.

Their creativity freedom and contentment mean so many more than a mere chart.
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