Before i leave this account forever, I wanted to give u a few fun stats/ facts on this PowerPoint that I feel shaped this account

1. I presented the initial version of my presentation on a long drive to my imaginary vlog camera while driving 130km/hr down a high way for an hour+
2. I spent approximately 9 hours on this thing, I sat down at 4 pm, wrote an out line for it, ate dinner and then worked on the ppt from 5pm-3am straight with a few breaks in the centre. Didn’t proofread it. And then posted the next day
3. I did legitimate research and consulted my therapist for signs of emotional unavailability. I even went so far as to look at how emotional unavailability often manifests different in men and women.
4. I received a fair amount of hate for this presentation but I moving accounts and y’all can’t find me anymore HAHAHAHAHAHA

Thanks for reading this thread and thay godforsaken presentation if u did
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