Tweeting from a session with @VictorianCHO & @devisridhar on #COVID19 at #austph2020. Will thread below
We will hear from @devisridhar first and then @VictorianCHO and then a Q&A #austph2020
Sridhar says we are going to see multiple waves and the 'herd immunity' argument is a straw man. Uncontrolled outbreaks also cause most economic pain #austph2020 #COVID19
Devi is going to start with a global snapshot of #covid19. Number of cases increasing every day. It's just taking off, every day new records set and things accelerating. In a growth phase and yet to peak
Contrary to expectations this pandemic has not hit hardest in poorer areas says Sridhar. People are getting fatigued. Australia from global perspective seen as a success - winning, and second wave a 'bump' relative #covid19
We have made progress on some things but not others. Nowhere near broadscale popn exposure in terms of immunity question. We don't know how long immunity lasts, but also how immune system responds, fully #covid19 #austph2020
#longcovid another big questions, how do we rehab these people? Aged 30-59 typically. How long does recovery take? Treatments. Children - why do different ages respond differently, what does this mean for schools #austph2020 #COVID19
We have to use this crisis to be forward looking and to be as constructive as possible, says Sutton. We have short memories with regard to pandemics #austph2020 #COVID19
The fact is we dodged a bullet with SARS, it was an epidemic that lasted for 7 months, ultimately managed through track and trace and with a really robust and vigorous case response. 10% CFR vs 1-1.5% for #COVID19 #AUSTPH2020
#covid19 did place a magnifying glass on social issues - inequity and disadvantage. We need to take a lesson and address these when we rebuild. Also popn ageing, economic interdependence, climate change, biodiversity loss. This virus is a zoonosis #austph2020
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