Can I encourage you about Nigeria?

If you're a Christian, you'll get it. But even if you're not, I think you should be able to relate.

So Paul was in Athens debating Epicurean and Stoic philosophers. He was bothered by their paganism and this was a part of his opening speech...
Acts 17:26
"...And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,..."

He points to a fact.

God has deliberate intentions about nations to their boundaries.
God is also intentional about the nationality of men.

This makes sense since God is sovereign.

God decided the boundaries of our reality. But how and where we end up within those boundaries is a function of our agency.

God gives the options. We make the choices.

Get it?
God made us Nigerians. How Nigeria turns out is our choice.

God made us black West Africans, but how our civilisation does is a function of our agency and how we apply ourselves.

(I have a lot to say on this but, another day)

So David speaking inspiredly centuries earlier says
Psalms 30:5b
"...Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning."

People observed nature and found that the night is darkest before the dawn.

They made a saying about it to Orient themselves in trying times and they're right.

This is one time sayings align with..
... Scripture.

Things may seem dark now but light CAN come after.

If it is true that God created us in His image. It means we are not inferior to any humans anywhere.

If white people can build just and prosperous nations. We can too.

We need the right values and we must act.
Nothing good comes without sacrifice.

Wherever you see a preferable civilisation, go and check their history.

People died. People sacrificed. People made mistakes and lost and then corrected them.

If we give up, we lose in both sides.

Justice will surely come on the last day.
But before the last day, we have been given agency to create prosperity and justice.


So we must stand and fight for it

The vast majority of us will NOT be able to leave the country.


We will take our civilisation from these old people with horrible values.

We will stand against injustice and incompetence.

At the same time we will fight against opportunist hoodlums who want to take advantage of the chaos to rubbish all our efforts.
I will fight for my life...

And the kind of life my daughter will live in this country.

If you get tired, you will lose on both sides.

We can't afford to give up.

We just can't.

How Nigeria ends up depends on us.

We pin.

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