1. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God (CIG), one is that theology is done best when its entire encyclopedia is utilized.
2. Of the various things I learned while co-editing&co-writing CIG, 1 is that iron sharpens iron refers 2the living&the dead.
Of the various things I learned while co-editing&co-writing CIG, 1 is that the theological formulations of our Confession r interrelated & interdependent.
3. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that tinkering with the confessional doctrine of God is its unraveling.
4. Of the various things I learned while co-editing& co-writing CIG, 1 is that biblicism is alive and well among many in our day.
Of the various things I learned while co-editing& co-writing CIG, 1 is that lazy men, though maybe nice and sincere men, do not make good theologians.
5. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that, when doing theology, prepositions are of great importance.
6. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that peer input (or giving endorsers the liberty to provide push-back) was/is essential, prior to getting endorsements.
7. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that the theological conversation on this issue is old, thick, and rich.
8. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that rhetorical overkill is not helpful in theological discourse.
9. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that concordance-style theology leads to novel, idiosyncratic doctrinal formulations.
10. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that I need to think longer and harder, and be properly informed, before speaking or writing on first level issues.
11. Of the various things I learned while co-editing &co-writing CIG, 1 is that to distinguish is of the essence of becoming a good theologian.
Of the various things I learned while co-editing &co-writing CIG, 1 is that fuzzy, half-baked thoughts ought not to make it into print.
12. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing Confessing the Impassible God, one is that it is much easier to read the work of others with a critical eye than to have others read your work with a critical eye.
13. Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing CIG, one is that I thought I knew more than I knew.

Of the various things I learned while co-editing and co-writing CIG, one is that I have a lot to relearn and learn.
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