Little story: mom’s been kinda low energy lately. She’s been tired, sleeping a lot, and just looked overall drained. Sometimes when she smiles, it doesn’t reach her eyes :( and it’s such a sad thing to see.

I tried things like taking her out to lunch for some pizza and wine
And it works for a little bit, but then she goes back to looking tired and worn.

She’d been slouching, too, and if you know my mom, that’s never a good sign. She was the one who basically taught me how to “be a lady” and carry myself with poise, so seeing that meant she was off.
Another thing you should know about my mom is she’s been an athlete all her life! She played on the volleyball varsity team, and played tennis and badminton, and did pilates and often went to the gym!

I noticed being active was something she hadn’t done in a while, so...
I enrolled her in the same workout program I’m doing! 🥰

She was so excited setting up today! She peeked in my room this morning and I saw the sparkle in her eye when she said, “I’m starting today. I’m so excited!”

Huhu love you mom 🥺

Your body will be ✨sore✨ tmrw 🥰
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