It’s amazing how many people still don’t understand how GPPs work in DFS. Trying to cash in GPPs is utterly pointless, especially with payout structures the way they are today. Min cash is 50% profit ($15 off $10, etc) and 10th place gets 1/50th of what first place gets.
If you are doing anything other than trying to get first you are playing GPPs wrong. And to get first you have to do *something* that not everyone else is doing. Whether that’s fading a chalk player, using a low-owned player, using a unique stack, etc.
When you do this you are *going* to have bad days. When you go completely against the grain, especially with as sharp as the field is today, more often than not you’re going to get burnt. It’s that one time where you’re right that you have a shot at the big stuff.
So if you’re looking at your GPP lineup and panicking because you finished bottom 10%, then you aren’t understanding the process of GPPs. It’s not a win now type of thing. It’s a long game where you constantly trust the process and eventually hit huge.
So the TL;DR is not to play GPPs if you are trying to cash or if you can’t handle some really bad days. Believe me I have had some absolutely god awful lineups before. But using the same process I’ve had some huge wins too. GPPs aren’t for the faint of heart or the impatient.
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