Growing up in Wyoming, on a media diet of just AM talk radio and Christian stations (we didn't have a TV), the phrase "tyranny of the majority" was a common one. It was usually tossed around dismissing the views and votes of people in places like CA and NY.
Can't let those majority people rule real America aka WY. It wasn't till i was grown and began deciding for myself how i viewed the world that i realized how absolutely anti-democratic "tyranny of the majority" is.
Because the only way WY can fight the "tyranny of the majority" is through rejection of the majority through things like gerrymandering and the electoral college. All of the "tyranny of the majority" fans have no problem with the fact that we have had 2 presidents
win the electoral college in my adult life who lost the popular vote. The current Republican majority in the senate represents 15 MILLION fewer voters than the Democratic minority, yet they claim a mandate to do anything they want.
We have had minority rule for much of my adult life in the US. Yes I'm pissed because there are more people who vote like me yet we have less power. But I'm also deeply worried because minority rule is not democratically sustainable.
Either the minority must relinquish their ill-gotten power or they rule more and more in democratically. But when you've wrapped yourself in the fantasy of fighting the "tyranny of the majority" for decades, how willing are you going to be to embrace democracy?
*more *undemocratically*
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