"moos are the worst I hate them"
"i've been stanning for 2 years and i just realized a few months ago that they actually sing the word decalcomanie in decalcomanie"
"i used to think decalcomanie was titled yes i am and yes i am was titled decalcomanie"
"many moos lowkey transphobic cause they either assume everyone is a she, use "he/she" instead of "they" or just continue using she when someone tells them not to"
"strugglemoo carries the fandom"
"we need to get rid of mrsdatebayo"
"not a mamamoo stan but the hate hwasa is getting is fucked up" yo is this a glitch?
'Moos can't grasp the idea of people who have busy lives and can’t stream 24/7"
"moos need to stop misgendering antis. just bc they're being assholes, doesn't give you the right to misgender them"
"we all need to follow @haIIowheein"
"we need to get rid of vorebyulyi"
"stop the stream discourse i think i’m going to lose it 😭"
"MAMAlDLE is the best moo"
"moos i am begging you to stop saying dick privilege when you mean male privilege... literally begging please be careful with your wording i know you dont mean it to sound transphobic but it really really does"
"egabdraws is gross they need to use their talents for other things rather than draw moonsun scissoring and making mamamoo sims fuck each other"
"too many moos dont understand the concept of just ignoring antis instead of giving them attention, plus most moos suck at dragging antis so it makes things even worse" !!!!
"i believe in @hyejinkiss / @chaeinkiss superiority"
"Moos block each other over the smallest things instead of muting and it’s preventing us from working together"
"moos starting shit with each other for no reason sometimes"
"mooblinks call out ur other fandom challenge" see now-
"Moos objectify the girls thinking it’s ok because they’re also women"
"moos are so fucking dumb they'd laugh at "jokes" sexualazing hyejin but then suspend accounts who post fancafe pictures like ???? yeah i laugh at jokes sexualazing my fav but i draw the line at a person posting picture from fancafe!!!!" well damn
"moos are the dumbest fandom they have no humor sense all they do is laugh at corny ass jokes"
"some moos need to learn that just bc we get dragged a lot doesn't mean we're allowed to drag other fandoms or groups"
"moos need to stop commenting under new moos tweets "HII WELCOME TO THE RADISH FARM" *gif of a radish dancing*. pls stop its embarrassing me and my home girl" SJJSDHDJSJJS
"we need to get rid of wheetulip"
"Some big moo accs are useless"
"antis telling us not to use terms like "dick privilege" and "dick lovers" bc it's transphobic and generally invalidating is perfectly valid"
"yes i am > all their tittle tracks except um oh ah yeah"
"starry night best title track"
"moos need to not even try and clap back if they’re gonna be corny like when they use that lawsuit thing. stop milking it and get better at your drags. y’all are embarrassing me" help ik this was not a moo that sent this in
"fucj you @wheetulip"
"some moos are just pretending to stream"
"i don't want wheein to collab with another man"
"mamamoo stans are all gay :/"
"we need more blinkmoos I love supporting strong powerful women" eye-
"can moomoos fucking stream-- its literally listening to music-"
"mamaidle lowkey problematic"
Damn what do y'all have against Amy?
"A warning to all wheetae shippers: I have all of you located, with IPs, please stop or you will deal with the consequences."
"y’all need to stop acting defensive when moos encourage ppl to stream. if you don’t stream that’s on you but the whole “omg i have a life” shit is annoying. we do too and we still stream. no one asks you to sit in a computer all day."
"MAMAlDLE is annoying as hell"
"user wheetulip too sexy -sent by wheein xx"
"why do moos hate mooblinks so much? can’t a person stan 2 groups at the same time?"
"black moos carry this fandoms" yep.
"Can i call antis "Cunts" instead so that I can avoid misgendering them?"
"soldam >>>>> moonsun" I'm under your bed.
"I’ll end all armymoos. Start running." bitch-
"Armymoos attack other ggs and use self defense as an excuse. If that’s the case, why can’t I attack 875 if an army insults mmm then? Hypocrites" um-
"our enemies aren't mooblinks but armymoos!!!"
"why do people hate @wheetulip and @MAMAIDLE like what did they do to you? be funny?"
"ur all happy about moonbyul being gay but u won’t be when she’s going to hell for it" WE-
"let’s take a break from our regularly scheduled program to remember dominatrix hwasa 🙏"
"i'm a straight white male moomoo i feel like i dont belong here, mamamoo are so gay (but we love them for that)

(also i hope this didnt come off the wrong way it was just supposed to be silly hfjknvifk" well-
"the reason why mamamoos views suck is because half of the fandom are old dusty bitches that probably don’t know how technology works go eat your mashed potatoes and clean your dentures" ._.
"most of the fandom OT3 and shading on hwasa" bells get out of my cc
"being a straight moo doesn't make me feel belonged here" anyways-
"people jump onto the hwasa hate train wo actually forming their own opinion" yep.
"isn’t that user pud something also a problematic moo?" idk bitch I'm not his handler
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