Hey guys can I get a little real for a bit? I was enjoying every bit of the Oresuki anime ova but after it was over, I felt this wave of loneliness. It might just be because of covid and that I can’t see any of my irl friends but...I’m lonely.
Not gonna lie, tweeting that was tough for me but it did help. Anyway, I guess I also miss that time in my life where I was a high schooler who actually thought they had a shot of asking out a girl they really loved. I miss that optimism I had so much you have no idea...
Don’t get me wrong, romantic comedies are some of my favorite anime and I’m still going to watch more but somehow this one made me feel hollow. Like I blew my chance back then or something. I guess in a way I’m a failure since I couldn’t even see that I didn’t have a chance.
But in retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t get a girlfriend while I was in college since I already had a lot on my mind already. Would have been nice if I wasn’t too shy to at the very least ask to go on a casual date with someone but oh well. So maybe I’m being too hard on myself.
Heck I don’t even know for myself if I’m even ready for that kind of relationship. Not to mention there’s no safe way to do that in this time anyway. But at the same time I’m not turning down the possibility either. I dunno.
Maybe I’m putting too much thought into whatever this feeling is. Perhaps this is apart of growing up since I can see all the past mistakes I made and reflect on that. I mean I’ve always been able to do that but now that I’m 25 I think I have more clarity now.
That blind optimism I had as a high schooler was really something though lol. Heck I even bought the girl I love back then a brand new 3DS that miraculously was $5 but that’s a story for another time. Oh I know what this is! Longing.
I suppose seeing a lot of anime that star high schooler casts can have that effect on you at times. As cliche as it sounds, I know my time will come to find someone I love again. Sorry for sounding cringe just now.
Anyway, take care of yourselves out there, wear your masks and cherish those you hold dear.
Now that I finally got it out of my system, I’m gonna delete this thread very soon since not only is it very cringeworthy but I don’t like having this on display even if no one reads these.
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