ahh remember we shouldn't encourage people to crowd txt when they are out in public... some of these are taken rlly close to them. i know they look good but we should encourage moas who are taking these to respect txt's space... https://twitter.com/txtgenleaders/status/1319008584420786180
like some of these are taken at fan events and stuff and not all of them are super close but it really is a problem txt has been having since debut... they already have a big saesang problem we should do our best to discourage that behavior
and no hate at all to this thread!! i just think we should use it as a reminder that despite txt being idols they are still human and should be respected. i dont think the person who made it had any ill will or wanted to encourage that behavior
there will always be good and bad sides to these things. its nice to see the boys out and looking as amazing they are. but remember and acknowledge that there are people who follow them and get close w/o premission to get photos like this.
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