Addams Family Values rewatch starting now
It's 1993. With Bush H.W. out of office, Hollywood liberals finally feel safe to satirize family values. They don't know about the interns and the Tipper Gore's on the horizon. This is an elegy in its own way.
Starts with the haunting rendition of the Addams family theme on the organ. This isn't your father's Addams Family theme, MC Hammer couldn't touch this.
Jeffrey Toobin's internal struggle
"Frasier this is the worst idea you've ever had!"
I make the same face when I find out somebody had sex
The smartest choice the sequel makes is really leaning into the setup-punchline jokes. It's like comedic classicism.
Does anyone else look up your dream houses on Zillow, even though you know you don't have enough virgins for the asking price?
Christina Ricci is so good in this. The Wednesday Addams character has been adopted by the worst sort of tumblr girls out there, and yet I don't mind sharing the admiration, that's how good she is.
Kind of like how both British soccer hooligans and mormons love The Killers. Yeah you have nothing in common but when the "I never" out chorus kicks in you all dissolve into one harmonious mosh.
Tonight’s beer. Feels appropriate, I don’t know why.
Fester is like the Buzz Aldrin of the incel movement. He wasn't there first but you will always associate his name with it
The first third of this movie is the kids trying to kill a baby. The initial high of endless prosperity was starting to fade, we started to get more nihilistic in our entertainment. I young kid from Aberdeen, Washington understood this better than most.
Good meme potential. Socialists and conservatives could have some use for it. Horseshoe theory.
The director always had a thin layer of light drape across Anjelica Huston's face in homage classical horror films. You don't see that much nowadays because the oldest horror movie modern directors have seen is Halloween. The Rob Zombie one, not Carpenter.
Huston is excellent in this. From what I read she was quite the diva on set. That's the hollywood i miss, you get an oscar during a weak year because your dad cast you in his movie, you then get a free pass to just make the crew's life a living hell. The american dream.
Oh thank God, I thought this was going to be a thirst free viewing.
The Addams Family is always left off those "which fictional characters would vote for Trump?" threads. They would love Trump, they already put kids in cages.
Christopher Lloyd overacts about 14% more than he should in this. Nicolas Cage knows you can still breathe at around 8-9%, just an unpleasant experience beyond that.
I'm calling it for the night, I'm just not bringing the heat. Hopefully tomorrow I can do this justice.
OK the Addams Family Values thread is back. If the debate is depressing you too much, how about you watch a movie about a serial killer trying to murder her husband and steal the family fortune?
A girl from Frasier and a girl from Buffy, if you just included crippling loneliness you'd have my entire 2018 right there
Bebe and Harmony, the 90s knew how to write a bitch
Very funny how the screenwriter identified with the outsider Addams, but is clearly part of the snooty camp class. He wrote the broadway adaption of The Devil Wears Prada, thats as snooty camp as it gets.
*pinches sweater* did we make this? if you get that reference congratulations, you're on the same part of the spectrum as me and my siblings.
Imagine you are Lurch. Mute, tongue probably cut, created solely to do the manual labor for his creators. An ideal life, i'd kill for that kind of job security.
Fester is like looking into a funhouse mirror of your soul, only to realize it's just a regular mirror, the fair left town months ago
We got a Numb3rs preunion going on here! Numb3rs fandom was a sign you were truly marginalized in society, because it meant we had no plans on fridays and were too poor for cable.
This movie anticipated the internet well. Very gifable, every frame a screenshot. So far above subtext its not even the text, it's abuvtext
My body and my body, rejecting Descartes's dualism
Damnit, I meant my mind and my body. That was a load bearing joke of this thread.
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