My parents never actually influenced my political beliefs at all. When I grew up asking questions or having different beliefs, they indulged them. As I got older, they were more open to my ideas. My parents who always voted with the “Christian” candidate voted for Obama. (1/?)
I grew up with very religious parents who are still religious. They had a small town, extremely white upbringing. Once I could actually vote, I never could have imagined that my parents would vote for a Black, liberal president. and yet they did. (2/6)
When the 2016 election came about, my parents, people who I never considered “political” people, who were small town folks who simply closed their eyes and voted Republican, started paying attention. My dad voted for Hillary. When he called me and told me he did, I cried. (3/6)
Since then, my parents have engaged in hard conversations with me and my siblings, hard talks about race, LGBTQ rights, reproductive rights, immigration, capitalism, so much more.

This time around, I’m voting the same as my parents. (4/6)
My dad is now more involved with the media and politics than I am. My parents have on their own started reading books and taking classes about anti-racism, indigenous rights, queer history.

They argue with their friends on Facebook. (5/6)
All this to say, never say that you can’t change someone’s mind. I have been completely floored and impressed by the ways my parents have changed in the last ten years. I’m happy knowing how they’ve changed their friends. It’s not impossible. And it’s very important. (6/6)
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