1. Talk about DEBT
2. FULLY and WILLINGLY committing to one another. No "im not sure" and "what if's" and "its not the right time." you are either in or you're OUT.
3. When/how many kids yall want (adoption? are one of you infertile? etc.)
4. Talking about STDs. Get checked. Seek medical help/informed professional knowledge. Keep those tests up to date and find ways to do so even within the marriage.
5. Talk about your 5-10 year timeline regarding career/education. Can you move? Willingness to relocate? etc.
6. Levels of religiosity. Openness to growth? Lack Thereof? Do you share fundamental CORE beliefs about life? VERY important.
7. Anger managements issues: do one of you struggle? Are you in therapy for it/taking it out on others? Seek help, bc it will destruct you and the future and the children....
8. Energy. Does it match? you decide. Follow your gut
9. CLOTHING: it may seem like a small problem but small things eventually ADD up. Make sure your expectations MATCH one another to full comfort. IMPORTANT EMPHASIS ON THIS
10. Finances: how do you intend on splitting bills? Gender roles? Taking the parents in during old age? etc.
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