Shouldn't be, I suppose, but it's a bit stunning to see Obama trot out a succession of false/debunked innuendo and lies as a central part of his big campaign speech debut. Tells me he/they really need people to believe that shit to vote for Biden. Interesting.
Blames Covid deaths AND economic decline on Trump - says not better off than 4 years ago because "4 years ago you'd be tailgating here" - the pandemic is Trump's fault.
Says Trump "won't extend relief to the millions of people who are having trouble putting food on the table because of this pandemic." Not true. Trump proposed a clean, straightforward individual payment relief bill - said he'd sign it immediately.
Says, "He's got a secret Chinese bank is not a great idea to have a president who owes a bunch of money to people overseas. He may be paying more taxes to foreign governments then he pays in the United States."

A grade school-level perspective on Trump's taxes.
The "secret Chinese bank account" was "discovered" by virtue of the fact that the bank account was disclosed in clear English on Trump's tax returns, which were illegally leaked to the NYT. So...not secret. At all.
Promises that "Joe and Kamala will make health care more affordable." More affordable than...Obamacare.
Says "Joe knows that the first responsibility of a president is to keep us safe from all threats - foreign, domestic, and microscopic."

It is a fact - not a theory or suggestion, but a fact - that 60.8 million Americans were infected with H1N1 during the Obama/Biden admin.
Says "Russia put bounties on the heads of our military" and Trump called them "suckers and losers." All debunked - officially and unofficially - by both the Pentagon and everyone in the room when the alleged comments were made.
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