We are excited to announce our pilot 🌟PREreview Open Reviewers✨, a @MozOpenLeaders style, community-focused #peerreview mentoring program designed to train and engage ECRs in the peer review process. 1/n
The program offers opportunities for ECRs with little-to-no experience in peer review to learn directly from their peers and from experienced journal editors, as well as to grow into experts themselves who may then mentor others. These are our 4 stages of engagement: 2/n
It has a cohort-based component that unfolds over the course of 14 weeks, and a self-guided component that extends for 8 months. Review Trainees are paired w/ Review Mentors, and Advanced Review Trainees are paired w/ Advanced Reviewers for a 1:1 mentorship experience. 3/n
For this pilot we have 10 amazing Review Trainees who just met this week for the first time and are ready to embark with us, their mentors and each other on a 14-week learning journey. Here is the curriculum at a glance. 4/n
We could have not found a better group of ECRs to start this adventure with and we can't wait to get to know them more over the course of the next 14 weeks.
@zakimolvi @shriyaamittal @GinaCalco @decathlonserge @JEncarnacion_ @katyboots and others.
We also have 9 fantastic editors as Review Mentors for this pilot. With them, we went through a Mentor Thought Exercise designed by brilliant Dr. Andre Walcott @TheReal_Dr_Dre and co-facilitated together with @neurosciequity, @HindleSamantha, Katrina Murphy and @Neurosarda. 5/n
Over a 1 and 1/2 hour call, we talked about systems of oppression and how they manifest in peer review, constructive criticisms, non-violent communication, power dynamics, and more. Everyone was open to sharing experiences and learning from one another. 6/n
We thank @eLife and @mozilla for sponsoring this pilot and we look forward to continuing working w/ @eLifeCommunity and other folks to design future iterations of this program.

We also thank @allison_horst for the beautiful illustrations. 7/7

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