Obama going in hard on Trump.

"He hasn't shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends" ... "But the thing is this is not a reality TV show. This is reality."
More from Obama on his first in-person campaign event.

"Can you imagine if I had had a secret Chinese bank account when I was running for reelection?"

Says Fox News would have called him "Beijing Barry"
Obama says he probably paid more than $750 in income tax in his first job at Baskin Robbins, the ice cream chain.
More from Obama: "Tweeting at the television doesn't fix things. Making stuff up doesn't make people's lives better."
Obama: "We literally left the White House a pandemic play book ... they probably used it to, I don't know, prop up a wobbly table somewhere."
More cutting lines.

Obama: "Joe's not going to screw up tests. He's not going to call scientists idiots. He's not going to hold a super-spreader event at the White House"
I think this speech is even more fierce than his convention one. Obama on handing Trump a growing economy: "Like everything else he inherited, he messed it up."
Obama says if Biden and Harris win "you won't have to think about the crazy things they said every day".

"You're not going to have to argue about them every day. It just won't be so exhausting. You might be able to have a Thanksgiving dinner without an argument"
Obama says Biden and Harris won't retweet conspiracy theories like "secret cabals are running the world or that the navy seals didn't kill Bin Laden".

Adds: "Think about that. The President of the United States actually retweeted that. What? What?!"
This one too. Obama: "Donald Trump isn't suddenly going to protect all of us. He can't even take the basic steps to protect himself."
More. Obama: “Joe knows that the first job of a president is to keep us safe from all threats: Foreign, domestic or microscopic. When the daily intelligence briefings flash warnings signs about a virus, a president can’t ignore them, he can’t be AWOL."
Obama: “I can tell you this: Joe Biden would never call the men and women of our military suckers or losers. Who does that?

"He knows these heroes are somebody’s children, somebody’s spouse, somebody’s dad or mum. He understands that"

(Trump has denied saying that)
Obama’s speech was at a ‘drive-in rally’. A load of honks came after the big punch lines (including most of these above).
Obama on Trump's insults / threats

“We wouldn't tolerate it from a high school principal. We wouldn't tolerate it from a coach. We wouldn't tolerate it from a co-worker, we wouldn’t tolerate it, you know, in our family, except for maybe crazy uncle somewhere... 1/3
"...Why would we expect and accept this from the President of the US? And why are folks making excuses for that? ‘Oh, well that’s just, that's just him.’ No, it’s, no! There are consequences to these actions. They embolden other people to be cruel and divisive and racist... 2/3
"...And it frays the fabric of our society. And it affects how our children see things. And it affects the ways that our families get along. It affects how the world looks at America. That behaviour matters. Character matters.” 3/3
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