Everytime I see the types of pictures approved on #grindr I'm reminded of how racists it is. Literally everyday I come across pictures of white and East Asian men in underwear and revealing clothing I know I wouldn't be able to get approved. I'm thinking of starting a thread tbh.
So @Grindr maybe you can explain the inconsistencies with photo approval. It's looking to me like there are different standards for different races? NonBlack people seem to get more freedom/skimpiness.
I have this photo that keeps getting rejected...
... for being "sexually suggestive" or "visible crotch" or "underwear". It's really a toss up between those three reasons. Meanwhile,. Check out what these white guys are able to get away with...
... actually being sexually suggestive like this guy
Showing actual, like VISIBLE crotch details, like these white guys...
Or actual underwear shots like these guys (one of them is from above and managed multiple sexually suggestive pics AND and underwear pic)...
And then there are these randoms...
I'm pretty and spiteful so I have reported each and every white dude I found within a couple mile radius of me that violated photo standards. Nothing yet. However, seems to me that their photos should've been approved in the first place. I mean the rejected photo I shared...
Is the most skimpy of cake shots I've tried to get approved but NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER BEEN APPROVED.
So what's the point of removing ethnicity filters if you're going to treat users differently based on ethnicity anyways?
All that the removal of this filter does for me is force me to look at how rapidly my historically Black + brown neighborhood is being gentrified by white gays. Maybe retrain your photo approval team so that Black cakes-or bodies aren't being overly policed? I mean that's what
we're currently fighting against in these streets so no need to replicate the policing online.
@Grindr it's been about a month. And since I'm still just as petty annoyed as when I first made this thread, I made a new account and rejoined. Looks like the same bullsh!t is going on with what wppl are allowed to show.
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