I hear Hunter Biden’s emails lost track of the parents of 545 detained children.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails are responsible for 220K American deaths due to COVID.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails owe $500 million to as yet identified foreign oligarchs.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails scored his daughter 17 Communist Chinese government-awarded patents.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails brought on the worst American economy since the Great Depression.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails gave up an American journalist to be dismembered at the hands of Saudi assassins.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails placed a bounty on American soldiers’ heads.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails crippled the post office in an election year in hopes of him retaining political power.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails called dead US service members “suckers and losers” for giving their lives to sustain Western Democracy.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails called Nazi white supremacists “very fine people.”
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails can’t walk down a ramp with a 5° decline.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails paid hush money to the porn stars he banged while his third wife was pregnant.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails left our Kurdish allies for dead in Syria.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails are actually “love letters” to Kim Jong Un.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails grab women by the pussy.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails ogle nude teenage pageant contestants “because they can.”
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails claim to be Christian, but when pressed, are unable to recite a single Bible verse.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails have tried to strip away healthcare coverage for tens of millions of Americans.
I hear Hunter Biden’s emails have cost American taxpayers $140,000,000 because they love to golf so much.
You can follow @keith_pochick.
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