Have you ever wanted to learn about OSDD-1B? You’ve come to the right place! (A thread)
What is OSDD?

OSDD: Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder. It was called DDNOS (Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) before it became a part of the DSM-5. OSDD-1 is a subtype of OSDD, and is most similar to DID out of the OSDD subtypes.

Within OSDD-1 are more subtypes. The most commonly known are OSDD-1A and -1B. Folks with OSDD-1A tend to have parts that aren’t distinct enough to be ‘alters’, while people with OSDD-1B (like me) have distinct ‘alters’ but little to no amnesia between them.

One of the big differences between OSDD-1B & DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is the level of amnesia. Even if an OSDD-1B system member wasn’t there they can usually recall events. Amnesia in people with DID tends to be more influential, if not more severe.
What’s OSDD-1B like?

Imagine you live in a mech suit— a giant humanoid robot— with dozens of other people. There’s a continuous recording of what everyone does while controlling the mech suit that anyone can review at any time. A handful of people can control the mech at once.
What’s OSDD-1B like? (Cont.)

Even though you know what happened while you were gone you probably don’t feel emotionally invested in it. It doesn’t feel much different than watching a character in a play or on a show, then tapping in to perform as that character.
How does OSDD-1B affect daily life?

The biggest thing for us is that we can’t hold interest in *anything*. I share a body with 45+ others and we all have varied interests which we try to pursue when in control. Our ‘singletsona’ life comes across as chaotic due to this.
How does OSDD-1B affect daily life? (Cont.)

Sense of self is hard with OSDD-1B. Many people tell ‘me’ it seems like I “don’t know who I am” because of constant identity shifts. (What is actually happening is different ‘alters’ in my system are presenting themselves outwardly.)
Sense of self: OSDD-1B vs. BPD

Identity struggles in OSDD-1B and BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) are often confused, even by professionals.

To continue it’s important to understand what a ‘singletsona’ is.

Singletsona: The persona of being a singular person in your body.
Sense of self: OSDD-1B vs. BPD (Cont.)

In OSDD-1B, the conflict of identity stems from multiple people trying to decide what the ‘singletsona’ is supposed to be.

With BPD, the identity struggle happens *within* a single person & has a lot more to do with views of the self.
Sense of self: OSDD-1B vs. BPD (Cont.)

BPD can influence the whole group/system if a plural has BPD. However, it’s more personal with BPD & often systems who have BPD will struggle with it as individuals as well as struggling as a group.
Sense of self: OSDD-1B vs. BPD (Cont.)

Here’s an example.

A system made up of A, B and C argue over how their singletsona “John” should behave. This is an OSDD-1B struggle.

Let’s say A also struggles with thinking they’re a great person one second & scum the next. This is BPD.
How do you know if you have OSDD-1B?

There’s no definitive method, but here’s one thing we say: If you think you’re plural, it’s likely you are. Quite frankly I’ve never met a singlet/non-plural who even *considers* they might be plural.
How do you know if you have OSDD-1B? (Cont.)

- Do ‘voices in your head’ reply on their own accord?
- Do you sometimes feel like instead of living your life, you’re watching it?
- Does your name/pronouns sometimes make you uncomfortable?

These are all signs!
How do you know if you have OSDD-1B? (Cont.)

This isn’t to say that these symptoms indicate someone *must* have OSDD-1B, rather that it’s worth looking into if they do have them.

Other things: Handwriting changes, shifts in gender identity/sexuality, fast change in interests
My Personal OSDD-1B Discovery

Until age 18, our ‘host’ (the person who lived our life primarily) thought he just had lots of imaginary friends. When he met someone with DID the rest of us kept screaming at him to research it. It overwhelmed him. He decided to poof & here we are.
My Personal OSDD-1B Discovery (Cont.)

At first we assumed we had DID since it was the only dissociative disorder we’d heard of. After our original host left we realized that if we had DID we likely wouldn’t remember our original host’s time in control, but we did.
My Personal OSDD-1B Discovery (Cont.)

We joined lots off DID, OSDD & DDNOS groups and quickly learned that DID was not the only dissociative disorder involving ‘alters’. It was only a matter of time for us before we realized OSDD-1B pretty closely described our experiences.
How many people can be in an OSDD-1B system?

There’s no max, I’ve met systems with anywhere from a hundred to thousands upon thousands of system members.

The minimum of course is 2, as one of the requirements of OSDD-1B is two or more distinct parts.
How different can system members be?

As varied as non-plural people can be. I (Bailey) am a bisexual homoromantic/bi lesbian nonbinary woman. My system mate Bane is a heterosexual binary man. The only thing the same about us is the body & life we share.
How different can system members be? (Cont.)

Identity isn’t where differences end. System members can have different mental illnesses, disorders, disabilities and more.

*Note: Neurodivergencies can be, but are not always, work differently & affect the whole system.
How different can system members be? (Cont.)


My system mate Isaac has heavy OCD tendencies (hesitant to say they have it as they’ve never truly considered it) while the rest of us don’t at all.

Some of my system mates are allergic to dogs. Some aren’t somehow.
How different can system members be? (Cont.)

With neurodivergencies it can be different than illnesses/allergies/etc. For example, we’re autistic & even though I show it a lot less than my system mates I’m still autistic, as it affects how our whole brain is wired.
How does switching work?

‘Switching’ is when a system member who wasn’t previously in control takes over. For example, the person who started the idea for this thread was Emery, and I’m Bailey. Hi!

So how does it all work? Like everything else it varies.
How does switching work? (Cont.)

Some systems can switch on command. This tends to be easier for OSDD-1B systems than others since our amnesia tends to be less intense— meaning it’s more likely we’ll remember one another as system mates.
How does switching work? (Cont.)

However, just because a system *can* switch on command doesn’t mean that they *always* can or even that they want to. I can call to whoever in my system and ask them to take over, but they can just as easily decline.
How does switching work? (Cont.)

System members have differing skills & wants, so people may come out at specific times. One of my (Bailey) skills is writing, hence why I’ve decided to step up & come make this thread!

Sometimes I also just come out to pet our dog 😊
How does switching work? (Cont.)

Other specific skills a system member may have include: Dealing with social situations, handing heavy emotions, doing work, cleaning, cooking, etc.

Any special skills a non-plural may have, a system member may have too.
How does switching work? (Cont.)

So, do specific system members only come out when they’re “needed”? No, not necessarily. This is the case for some systems/some ‘alters’, but it’s more like teamwork. We use our strengths in the system to balance each other out.
How do you know if a switch has happened?

You don’t pretty often honestly. At times it happens seamlessly & without acknowledgement. To figure out who’s fronting when we finally notice a switch occurred we play a game of “guess who it is” until we get the name right.
How do you know if a switch has happened? (Cont.)

Those outside the system may have no idea that someone has switched, or even that they’re an OSDD-1B system. Many OSDD-1B systems perfect their singletsona to the point that one wouldn’t know they were plural until they said it.
Do system members have to have a purpose?

Nope! Some people in a system may center themself around what they do for their system, and that’s valid, but nobody is restricted to it. System members are like any other people, we just share a body.
Are DID and OSDD the only forms of plurality?

No! There are multiple forms of plurality, DID & OSDD are just forms of plurality that fall under a diagnosis. This is typically due to the disorganization & distress that comes with DID/OSDD, not the plurality itself.
Further research:




The Rings System on Youtube

The criteria for an OSDD-1B diagnosis also appears in the DSM-V
Any more questions?

If you’re still curious about OSDD-1B and/or would like some clarification on things in this thread, feel free to leave a reply here! We’ll do our best to answer everyone ^~^ Thanks for reading! - Bailey
Addition: If you yourself are plural, especially if you’re an OSDD-1B system, please feel free to comment on this thread & add your own experiences if you want to! The more input from plurals the better.
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