Hey #TeamStadia.

Remember criticism towards the platform isn't anti-Stadia.

This isn't a case of "for and against", but pleased, displeased, misinformed, and ignorant.

But really, we don't need tribes.

We're all individuals and don't owe Google anything but honest opinions..
Whether they're positive or negative.

I would say the mute and block tool is effective at removing opinions that differ from yours.

But that's how we've got Flat Earthers.

If you're loving #GoodStuff, share it!
If you want more from Google, share it!
Expect replies that...
don't align with your perspective.

People will and have disagreed with my reviews, but that's fine! My reviews are my opinions of a game (and I invite you to submit yours to me!).

Just as my tweets are my opinion of Stadia, your tweets are your thoughts.

Stop labelling.
You can follow @OriginaIPenguin.
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