while we're on the subject, here's a thread of old-school animation camera stuff. these first pics are layout sketches from "i am so proud of you". it was all shot thru tiny holes (in black paper under the lens), so i used these sketches to plot out framing + timing of each shot
you can see some of the scraps of black construction paper hanging around here. one hole of action would be exposed on part of the film, the camera rewound, and then another hole exposed somewhere else and etc
here's a raw camera roll from "it's such a beautiful day".
for the liveaction stuff i shot stacks of 1000s of photo prints under the camera like the drawings. lots of the movie was shot thru cheap magnifying glasses under the lens. also don't call that # it's not mine anymore
that thing on the hill at the end of the reel is from the only truly deleted scene from "it's such a beautiful day". i later re-used the idea, sort of, in "the end of the world".
to create the slow sunset of moving colors at the end of "the meaning of life" i made these little flags out of theatrical lighting gels. i stuck them onto pens stuck onto cassette tape cases (?!), and slowly stop-motion animated them in front of the lights while shooting the art
camera notes for the outer space sequence in "the meaning of life" which was maybe the most difficult thing i've ever done and almost made me quit forever. it was all backlit pinholes & watercolors. when we re-enter the atmosphere i shot fireballs under the lens with hairspray🙄
the cameras had drawbacks but were beautifully open to experiments. a shot like this was lit with a hand-held flashlight, with exposures of light leaks, chocolate syrup running down a pane of glass, out of focus clouds, and god knows what else. sometimes i shot thru bubblewrap.
incidentally the shot of the flowers near the head of this camera roll was not used in the movie and later repurposed, in really brief flashes, for the thing i did for "the simpsons"
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