Im pissed. I got a positive test for COVID on 10/5. Doc said it was most likely a false positive but recommended i did not get another test or do anything except quarantine for 10days. After my mother helped get us adjusted to the situation, my job finds disbelief in my leave.
They tell me that my results don’t have my name on it and the doctor didn’t specifically state that I was out due to COVID. So I have a lazy doctor, a suspicious job, and a very pissed off guinea who needs to get another test and opinion.
Trump says he lied about the severity of this disease in order to not cause a panic. Well guess what Aged Koolaid man, I’m in a panic because I have literally no idea if I’m asymptomatic or not. Wasn’t told to treat it at all. And had no idea how I got it if I even did at all.
All i gotta say is can’t wait for science to be believed again. I can swallow a Biden America for that at least. Maybe then we’ll get a vaccine and states will stop being treated like insubordinate children. Our Allies and our legitimacy as a world power will ease my panic.
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