We all play an important role in keeping each other safe from #COVID19. @UMichStudents choosing to return home are advised to take important preventive measures to protect their home communities. Here's what you need to know before you leave: http://myumi.ch/2D9YM  1/4
Testing and enhanced social distancing are advised for all undergraduate students before returning home to promote safety and reduce the risk of spreading #COVID19. Find out how to get departure testing: http://myumi.ch/lxbVD  2/4
. @UMichStudents who test positive during departure testing are expected to quarantine or isolate. This can be done on campus or at your permanent residence. Know your options to keep yourself and others safe. http://myumi.ch/2D9YM  3/4
Traveling during a pandemic requires strict adherence to public health guidelines. Before returning home, assess the risk, make a plan, get tested, and be sure to maintain your distance for 14-days after arrival. http://myumi.ch/2D9YM  4/4
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